SEO is Almost Dead…Just Barely Surviving…(cue the death rattle)!

For those of you new to the SEO world you can rest assured that if the sky has not fallen yet – it soon will, any second, maybe…this same drum has been beating for the past 5 years and every few months a new SEO Prophet has some newfangled reason for it to be the truth, THIS TIME!

Here is a posting from a forum on Feb. 2006

Is SEO dead?

I’ve heard many people that says SEO people usually make the site worser for google than it was before.  Is that true?

And another one from Sept. 2008

Is SEO dead?

I posted this another forum but wanted to get feedback from everyone here as well about a blog post I made this morning.

And now Justin Harrison is touting the same brimstone and hellfire silliness.  Here is a quote from his blog:
In fact my own research shows that 92% of all top ranked websites sites sampled are not only at risk, but have a 85% chance of completely loosing their rankings.

I hate to break the news to Justin but if the above really happens then Google will pretty much become irrelevant.  I am guessing he came to this conclusion based on something to do with folks breaking some or all of Googles rules but if they simply get rid of all their top ranking listings or even 50% of them, the result will be terrible.

Here is a bit of my expert research, getting rid of the top 10 or so results for some keywords and let’s see what is left:

Interestingly enough if we get rid of the first 12 results for the term ‘SEO is Dead’ we end up with what you see below…now I get it.  Good job Justin.
seo is really dead image