But I Already Rank…Kind Of

I have heard from a few potential clients before that even though their own website does not rank for many searches they are OK in the SEO department because their various directory listings rank, so people will find them anyways….

This is a really bad decision and will most certainly guarantee a long-term unsuccessful foray on the web.

Even the high quality listings typically offer multiple chances for a potential customer to veer off to another competitors website.  Then there are some like below that just post your company info with the intention of making money by NOT sending a customer to your website.  In the sample below, note the two ads before company info and then there is not even a link to the destination site listed.  No where to go but directly to one of your competitors I guess!  If you are located in Toronto and need a quote on SEO please give us a call at 416-671-3114, we also help international clients across the world wide web.
