A Look Back at Digital Marketing 2013

This past year was a really great year for change in the digital marketing sector. We saw a huge rise in responsive websites and surfers snapped up smart phones and tablets. This is definitely the future of the Internet, I would not be surprised if mobile ready websites become a must in the years to come!

Content creation is on the rise and everyone seems to be finally realizing that in order to rank in the search engines these days you not only need optimized content but it actually has to be interesting to read for human eyes! Thankfully the search engines are figuring out how to read past computer algorithm regurgitated junk content.

The secret of digital marketing is starting to filter down from the mega corporations.  Medium and small business are realizing if they don’t have their content optimized and move their advertising budget to the online arena they will be left behind.  It will be an upward swing in the years to come as the importance of digital marketing continues to rise.

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