Need New Visitors to Your Website? Breed Em

I remember the good old days when a bunch of us on the photography web forums would join our purchasing power together to get 20% off a 1 meg memory stick from the local camera shop.  Things have come a long way since then and now the hottest niche on the net seems to be group buying sites and/or deal of the day sites that take advantage of group buying power to get retailers to heavily discount products and services.  I mean who can resist corn removal at 85% off?

groupspawn-ssGroupon has decided to take this whole group buying phenom to a new level and then even a bit further!  come up with a novel approach to building the next generation of customers: Breed them.  Today the company launched, first to connect like-minded couples though a dating service, and second, to reward those couples who used a Groupon on their first date (proof required) and went on (not necessarily that evening) to make a baby. The incentive? A $60,000 college scholarship for up to two qualifying babies a year.

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