Google Sits on the Hot Seat for Racist Image

It seems Google can’t figure out how to please all the people all the time.  The story centers around a racist picture where someone photo-shopped Michelle Obamans face blended with an apes.  Google originally took the page out of it’s index siting possible ‘malicious content’ but it has resurfaced with a Google adsense type ad offering more information on offensive search results.


It seems Google will stick to the 1st amendment right of freedom of speech but at what cost?  They currently have a huge monopoly over Internet search and with all their clever free add-on’s like Google Gmail, Voice, Wave, Docs and more it seems they will continue to chug ahead for the foreseeable future.  But the person you probably don’t want to peeve off is the President of the United States of America.

Right now the image does not show up in the first few hundred results for Michelle Obama.  “When the image was coming up on the term ‘Michelle Obama,’ it was coming up that way against an innocuous query,” Rubin said. “If the term you’re using is ‘Michelle Obama ape,’ one could argue that’s a relevant result, however offensive it may be.”

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