Blast From the Past – Cartoons of Bush and Simpson

I got involved in online marketing back in 2000 when I started selling virtual items as a hobby.  I started on eBay then moved to and by 2004 I designed my first website in Frontpage with the flashing page dividers and all, take a peek at it here.  I was so happy with it I even ironed on my logo to a few tshirts for myself and my kids.

I followed up with some interesting ideas, including a satire site using celebrity cartoon animations of George W. Bush, Micheal Moore, Martha Stewart and more!  At the time I did not really have a business model in mind for my sites, I just wanted to express myself on the web.

george w. bush cartoon

OJ Simpson Cartoon

A special thanks to Waybackmachine for being around and preserving these memories (because the computers themselves broke down long ago).